
U of T’s Rotman School of Management Culinary Club

Some of our future leaders of finance taking a stab at sushi. Check out their California Rolls! #SushiWarriors #JustRollWithIt

Interface Sushi Workshop in NYC

Corporate sushi workshop with some of the finest designers in NYC for Interface.

Thank you Sushi Warriors!

2018 was a milestone year for us. We surpassed the 20K participant mark. For ten years, we have been creating memorable team-building sushi workshops for some of North America’s great organizations. This video is a sampling of some of the 300+ we have been proud to serve. Thank you! #SushiWarriors #JustRollWithIt

FOODISM: Top 6 Best Cooking Classes in Toronto

Honoured to be on this list alongside some of Toronto’s best! To see the list, click here.