Christmas Party Special

It is approaching that time of year again.


Company Christmas parties or a celebratory evening with friends and family.

Why not do something really special?

Experience what thousands of people across this country have openly stated is the best sushi making class EVER since the…dawn of fish!

For those of you responsible for organizing the event of the year for your company, join some of these big names who have done the same.

Help re-define “Teambuilding”

Microsoft CanadaCIBC DeloitteYamahaHSBCProctor & GambleLCBO

(…and many more)

For those of you who prize friendships and family, book a sushi making event.

“Love” and “LOL!” will take on whole different meanings.

For more information on how to book your Christmas event

(November 15th to December 15th) and receive a 15% discount for doing do so, email

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