2 thoughts on “Ministry of Government and Consumer Services Sushi Workshop”

  1. Great event with a great chef! It was so much fun to turn the delicious ingredients into very tasty sushi even if mine did not pass the 3 F’s of sushi making. If you have the opportunity to go to Sushi For the Soul, sign up! And – WOW! – the wasabi was amazing!
    Kudos to the organizer, Chef Sang and everyone who attended and helped make this event happen.

  2. I set about what I should say about the Sushi Making For The Soul workshop but I’m lost for words…who in the world could make such succulent treats that ones mouth surely invites. The taste, the texture is truly mouth watering that they excite my taste buds to the point where once I started eating I did not stop till all were gone…what an immaculate taste… And what great explanations by Chef Sang, who details the correct usage of how to prepare each individual sushi, rice in, rice out. And too what an experience along with the fun and games that he provides and the timely and absolute professionalism in making the perfect roll and the usage of the wasabi and the soy sauce.
    Sign me up for the next work shop and the next wonderous lunch, cause wow that was exciting
    Carvo G Grant
    Govt of Ontario and National Table Tennis coach of Canada

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